Child Development Programme

Screening & Assessment

CDP provides a FREE universal developmental screening to ALL children at or around the time of your child's 2nd birthday.  The purpose of the screening is to tell if your child is learning basic skills when they should, or if they may need assistance. A Developmental assessment may take place to evaluate various aspects of your child's functioning such as cognition, communication, behaviour, social interaction, motor and sensory abilities, and adaptive skills.  Screening and Assessment 

CDP provides a FREE universal developmental screening to ALL children at or around the time of your child’s 2nd birthday.  The purpose of the screening is to tell if your child is learning basic skills when they should, or if they may need assistance. A Developmental assessment may take place to evaluate various aspects of your child’s functioning such as cognition, communication, behaviour, social interaction, motor and sensory abilities, and adaptive skills.  

Benefits to the child:

  • Celebrates the child’s strengths and detects the child’s needs
  • Improves the child’s health and developmental outcomes
  • Identifies developmental delays

Benefits to the parent

  • Equips parents with knowledge to help their child realize their full potential
  • Assists parents in bonding with their child
  • Developmental information about the ages and stages of early childhood is provided

Benefits to the community:

  • Intervention is likely to be more effective and less costly when it is provided earlier in life
  • The screening is a vehicle to educate and strengthen families and the community by keeping them informed about appropriate developmental behaviours and warning signs

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